Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Acts Of Random Kindness

Acts of Random Kindness? Have you ever been in the check out line at the grocery store to see a mom or dad in front of you not have enough money to pay for all the food their family needed? Have you ever heard about a family that lost their home because of a part time job loss and lost their home over not having a few hundred dollars ending up with no where to live? Have you ever seen an elderly person that worked hard all their lives only to not have enough money to have a warm coat or be able to visit family members that just live a few miles away because they didn't have enough money for gas to operate their car?

I have and I know every single one of you have too.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to help these people with a small or large Act of Random kindness? Yes you know it would. These people are just like us and could be us in the future with a loss of a job, personal injury or an unexpected raise in living cost due to a rise in rent, utilities, insurance or many other reasons.

In the past I wondered why do people stand on the side of the street with a sign asking for money, why do people live in homeless shelters, why do people have to walk to work, why do children not have a warm coat in the winter. In the past few years I have noticed the very significant change in our economy and I am sure you have too. These people that have fallen on hard time are not bums, they are not drug addicts or alcoholics, they are American families that have fallen on hard times and are trying to pull everything back together financially and just have not succeed yet. This is not a hand out, this is a hand up!

I know we cannot help every single person in need out there all at once but would it not be nice to help the ones that we all personally know about or to donate some extra cash to someone who knows about these single people, families and grandparents that just need a little help to get through today, tomorrow, or next month?

Money donated will be distributed as Acts of Random Kindness and we will take pictures of the people and do follow up stories about who is benefiting from your help. Then we will see what happens. "What would happen if Acts of Random Kindness became a normal everyday occurrence?"

If you know of an individual or family in need please let us know by emailing tell us their story and even send pictures and we will see what we can do to help!

In this Christmas holiday season and throughout the year, please help us help others! With a donation of a few dollars, a few hundred dollars or even a few thousand dollars you can help us help others. Thank you for taking the time to read about these people in need and help us collect money to perform some Acts of Random Kindness during the holiday season and all year long. If you feel that you can afford to donate please do so by clicking on the Random Acts of Kindness link below and we will make sure the money donated reaches people and families just like us, you and me that need to have a chance to do better!

Thank You In Advance For Your Help!

You may give the gift of an Acts Of Random kindness online or by phone by calling 417-337-0123. This is as simple as 1,2,3. 1) Decide to Give. 2) Give The Gift. 3) Smile About Helping Others!
To donate to Acts Of Random Kindness click on the Acts Of Random Kindness Donations link below!

Acts of Random Kindness Donations!

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